Documents related to this episode:
1. The Pirates of Penzance. A comic opera by W.S.Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan, 1879. (1983 film clip, starring Kevin Klein).
2.Happy Trails, performed by Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, and Dusty Rogers, RCA Victor, 1952.
3. Stephen King: 11/22/63, Gallery Books, 2012.
4. JFK. Dir. Oliver Stone. Warner Bros., 1991.
5. Naomi Klein: The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Picador, 2008.
6. “Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas Police Department,” newsreel compilation, YouTube (1963).
7. Claire Berlinski and Yuri Deigin: “Looking for COVID-19 ‘Miracle Drugs’? We Already Have Them. They’re Called Vaccines,” Quillette, 6 July 2021.
8. They Live. Dir. John Carpenter. Universal Pictures, 1988.